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Tuesday, 10 January 2017

How To Detect Fake Interview Invitation And Scammers

By: eddykenworld | Time: 09:38 | Label: |

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It has become a trend to see fake recruiters and  companies send misleading job invitation to job seekers only to learn that they are Multi level marketing firms. I have come across so many job searchers who have had experience with these people. The ordeal of young graduates who in a bid to secure a white collar job fell into the hands of the swindlers. The most painful of this menace is a situation where job seekers who have no job, borrow money from friends and family members with the hope of assuring the job to pay back the loan collected to travel for the fake interview.

It is not clear whether there's any government authority charged with the responsibility of monitoring the activities of these drug marketing companies because the way they spread across the country frustrating job seeker calls for concern.

Some of the job seekers had to travel from a far distance, generally from another part of the country to the purported interview venue in the other state.
They are extorted by their scammers with a promise of guaranteeing a better future after displayed of pictures of holidays in Dubai, London, South Africa and so on. The amount extorted may range from $16, approximately N8,00 to $25 which is approximately N12,500 for registration and other logistics only to find out that have been scammed. Some of these companies have lists of firms in the city whereby they post job seekers, offering letters of appointments or reference. Job seekers on reaching the premises of the firms they're referred to, will be told either there's no recruitment going on or the said firm has not been functioning. It's so pathetic what job seekers pass through in the hands of these people.

There is no such inhumane as this vicious act. These job seekers are left begging for transport fare to travel back to their homes where they are faced with debts to settle. Job seekers should endeavour to research some companies sending them messages to attend interviews. There are online fora you can get relevant information about the organization. A simple search online can save you all the tenseness. If you are unable to discover relevant information about the company, it's better you forget about the interview and delete such messages from your device.
Most times, these Multi Level Marketing companies pretending to be recruiting for an organisation have their affiliate companies where they can well refer you to go for interview If you do not honour the initial invites or they can simply modify their office address so that you think it's another company.
You really have to be smart to beat these people.

There are ways to discover a fake interview invitation. These may include, but not restricted to, the following;

  • A message with codes in the form of: HR 0012 or HR Ref: 208. It's a trend in the scammers interview invitation messages and it's the code of the person inviting you who is playing as your referral.

  • Most messages from the scammers do not carry the company's name. In every bit much as I understand that not all recruiters will like to disclose the identity of the company they are recruiting for, it is better to give an overview of the company. So, job seekers should be weary of the     messages that comes in this format.

  • Job briefing is a term that is ordinarily found in the message. I do not understand what "job briefing" means to them. But the next time you pick up messages from a recruiter, endeavour to research the company.

  • Messages contained only phone number and, no detailed description of the company. Although, most genuine recruiters do not give out phone numbers, but you will surely receive a contact number for further inquiries on the interview or venue.

  • They are reluctant to give you relevant information should you ring their phone numbers. In this instance, you should be very careful not to waste your time, money and energy attending the interview.

  • The have database of job seekers who probably have subscribed up for job updates on some job portals or social networking sites. It is easy for them to send you interview invitation when you know you do not apply for the job. The next time you receive an interview invitation and you doubt when you apply, check your mailbox and diary, If you could not find any information about when you apply for such job, do justice by deleting  such messages from your device to save yourself the stress of their scammers frustrating your life.

  • Another avenue to lure unsuspecting job seekers to their troupe is the sharing of flyers on the roadside advertising job vacancies. The also post job vacancies on the walls along the route to lure job seekers into their net.

Be Guided!!!

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