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Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Putting The Customer First: Secret To A Successful Business

By: eddykenworld | Time: 16:23 | Label: |

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After many years of working with companies around the world looking for the answer to this question I have discovered that customers are as demanding as relentless. They will more than reward those companies that serve their interests, and likewise allow those companies that serve them poorly to fail.

It's not that customers do not care about the fate of a particular company, but they worry even more about themselves, and their own satisfaction, than they care about the success or failure of a particular company. When you see a business that has broken down and had to close its doors, you can be sure that it has been a business that either did not want or could not serve enough customers at a price that would allow them to continue operating. Customers simply silently leave that business, let their friends know, and never come back.

The second part of this law says that customers will always seek to pursue the easiest way to meet their most pressing needs. From the client's point of view, all his actions are perfectly calculated. The client always knows what their interests will best serve. When you embark on a new business, you place all your financial future at the mercy of being able to satisfy your customers every day. From the moment you open your doors, your customers will determine what you will sell, how much you will sell, at what price, and what your profit margin will be.

The third part of this law says that every business plan must begin with the customer in the centre.
One of the biggest dangers that any company can run is losing contact with its customers and the needs they seek to satisfy. Many entrepreneurs tend to talk too much with each other, ignoring the person who ultimately determines the success or failure of the company.

Any board of directors, any marketing committee, any new product development team, should erect a mental statue of their client and put it on the same table where they sit down to make decisions. Before any meeting that discusses what you want to do as to your product or service is concerned, ask yourself: If this statue of truth were my client, and he would be here, listening to us, what would be his impressions?  What will he or she think about our plans? Will he or she support our decisions?

Concentrate on your client. Recall that it is he who gives life to your business.

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